Fostering Media Engagement to Promote Nutrition and Health in Uganda

In the effort to scale up nutrition and health interventions in Uganda, the Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda (CISANU) recognizes the pivotal role of media engagement. By partnering with various media houses across the country, CISANU aims to amplify the message of better nutrition and health, ensuring it reaches every corner of Uganda. Here’s how CISANU is leveraging media engagement to make a significant impact.

Strengthening Media Partnerships

CISANU actively collaborates with a number of media houses to foster a supportive environment for disseminating critical information on nutrition and health. These partnerships are essential in spreading awareness about the importance of proper nutrition and the various health interventions available. By working closely with print, broadcast, and digital media, CISANU ensures that accurate and impactful information reaches a wide audience.

Training and Capacity Building

A key aspect of CISANU’s media engagement strategy is the training and capacity building of journalists and media personnel. CISANU conducts workshops and training sessions to equip media professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to report effectively on nutrition and health issues. This initiative not only enhances the quality of media coverage but also ensures that the public receives well-researched and reliable information.

Promoting Evidence-Based Reporting

CISANU emphasizes the importance of evidence-based reporting in media coverage of nutrition and health. By providing media houses with access to the latest research and data, CISANU helps ensure that the stories and reports produced are grounded in factual information. This approach builds public trust in the information disseminated and encourages informed decision-making among communities.

Raising Public Awareness

Through its media engagement efforts, CISANU aims to raise public awareness about the critical issues of nutrition and health in Uganda. By leveraging the reach of various media platforms, CISANU can effectively communicate the benefits of proper nutrition, highlight successful interventions, and share best practices. This widespread awareness is crucial in mobilizing community action and support for nutrition initiatives.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

Media engagement also plays a vital role in CISANU’s advocacy efforts. By highlighting key issues and challenges related to nutrition and health, media coverage can influence policymakers and stakeholders to take action. CISANU works with media houses to create compelling narratives that drive the agenda for better nutrition policies and increased investment in health interventions.


CISANU’s focus on media engagement is a testament to its commitment to improving nutrition and health in Uganda. By building strong partnerships with media houses, training journalists, promoting evidence-based reporting, raising public awareness, and influencing policy, CISANU is making significant strides in its mission. Together with the media, CISANU is empowering communities with the knowledge they need to make healthier choices and fostering a supportive environment for sustainable development.

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